I don't know when I started saying this poem to myself, and I haven't done this every day, but every so often these words come to me, and I say them in the morning before my days starts.
On this Easter weekend, we celebrate the victorious Christ who arose from the dead- something none of us can do on our own. We praise and worship Him for not only predicting his triumph over the grave, but for actually completing it in recorded history. We, as Christians will renew our vigor for Christ this weeked-or at least we should- but what happens after Easter? Do you hold out for Christmas for other good news to get your regeneration?
Let this little poem help you set a daily standard and focus that no matter if it is Easter or the 25th Sunday of the year, you are consecrated to Him:
Lord, help me live like you today.
Help me live in such a way
That others will look, and they will see
That you, dear Lord, are alive in me.