All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of the life of the Lamb who has been slain. Revelation 13:8

Though He slay me, I will hope in Him. Job 13:15

For from him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. Romans 11:36

He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:32

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Together for the Gospel 2012

Having just returned from the Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville, I must say a few things.

1)      When faced with scripture after scripture after scripture, I am more able to recognize the weaknesses in my life, and feel helpless on my own to recover ground, and make it back to good standing with God.  I see myself in every story in the Bible as the wicked, vile sinner.  Like Ahab, Jezebel, Baalim, Judas, the rich young ruler, etc.  I am those people every day I wake up.

2)      I feel selfish, and focused only on my own things, desires, and goals.  When God is presented to you as He truly is found in the scripture, seeking to do anything apart from Him seems foolish.

3)      Singing rich songs filled with doctrine make me want to cry like a baby.  I know my estate truly was helpless.  I know that I was on my way to hell.  I know that rather than feast on his bounty, I would rather starve.  I know that I hated God.  I know that all these things would continue forever.  And then, he changed me.  He sought me out like the blind man in John 9.  That’s when I can’t take it anymore.  He is every richness I could ever want in anything in this world, but so much more complete, deep, and perfect.

4)      My day to day activities seem so empty and useless compared to what a messenger of God does.  A Pastor has so much weight on his shoulders, but shouldn’t I also be a messenger? 

5)      My job is really boring compared to what Jesus did.  My accomplishments in all levels of schooling and employment are like certificates on waste paper compared to what Jesus accomplished in only 33 years.

6)      It seems that I don’t have much time to make a difference in people’s lives.  I’m already 32.  40 or 50 years or less is but a vapor.

7)      What reward do I really have for doing anything not focused on his mission?  People are hanging by a thread over the pits of hell forever, and they fall into the hell all day long while we drive our cars, eat lunch, and go to sleep.  Today is the day to sow his Word in the life of others.

God grant me the desire and passion to keep these things on my heart until He returns.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Why is Friday called Good Friday?

I was surprised to hear that the stock market, and wall street were closed in observance of Good Friday two days ago.  I guess I was under the understanding that we as a country shouldn't show any favor to any particular religion, and should welcome all religions and beliefs.  If this is truly the case, it gave me a pause to determine the rationale behind the observance of this day.

Let me be clear, and specific.  The historical meaning of Good Friday is this:  Many years ago a hated prophet strolled into Jerusalem riding a donkey, and the people who formerly hated this man were now giving him their praise and honor, welcoming Him to town.  They took off their coats, and laid down palm branches so his donkey wouldn't have to step on the ground.  It was a triumphant return to Jerusalem.  This is called Palm Sunday.  Five days later, these same people "turned their coats", and betrayed this man, and blamed him for speaking out against the religion of the day.  They turned him into their court system, and let the law judge him.  After going through an unfair trial, and being found guilty by men who were false witnesses, this man was sent to the higher court to confirm or deny the previous ruling.  The people then were faced with a choice to free the man and have mercy, or condemn his as they already had.  They chose to let a true criminal go free rather than the innocent man unjustly convicted.  His punishment was death.

They hung the man on a tree after he was scourged almost to death.  They nailed him to a cross which at the time was the most agonizing way to die.  It was public, and all could attend and see the miserable condition in which the person died.

This is called Good Friday.

Why?  Really?  "Good" Friday?

There isn't much good news here, or so it may seem.  If I mentioned dates when Adolf Hitler massacred Jews, and other individuals back in Germany, and referred to that day as any kind of "good", I'd be severly questioned for my word choice, and yet who questions the adjective choice for the date we passed just two days ago?

No one, not even me.

You see, there is a reason why it is good.  Jesus, the man written about above, was the one who was unjustly condemned and murdered.  This had to happen.  Jesus was God come down as a man to rescue his people from sin.  If he wasn't offered to die, yet being innocent of all charges, then there would be no salvation for his people.  That's why its a good day.  The demanded sacrifice was offered willingly, completely, and without spot or blemish to pay the penalty for your sin and mine.

Why then does the world observe this great day?  Don't get me wrong, we should.  We should worship and thank God for completing what he promised by dying on the cross.  However, by taking time to honor this day, do we not as a culture confirm the events of the day, and thus take a stand with what happened?  Are we not agreeing with the reason for the name of "Good" Friday?

It seems to me that there is ample opportunity to speak to the world about Jesus because previous generations have built in words, holidays, traditions based around this man Jesus showing us that not only should we believe what happened, but should also tell others the meaning for the days in our calendar.

Praise God for the sacrifice on Good Friday.  It wasn't a good day, but boy was it a good day.

Hebrews 2:9-10, Hebrews 10:12,